Why Montessori?
“Education is a natural process carried out by the child and is not acquired by listening to words but by experiences in the environment.”
— Maria Montessori
The Montessori Method of Education
The Montessori Method of Education is known throughout the world as a respected philosophy for educating young children. It incorporates scientifically designed materials that support intellectual, physical, emotional, and social growth as well as self-discovery for each child, encouraging children to be active learners. The Montessori Method started in 1906, with discoveries made by Dr. Maria Montessori. She used the scientific method of observation to come to many insightful conclusions about child development, which have stood the test of time. Dr. Montessori was the first person to use child-sized furniture, developed the jungle gym, and described stages and planes of human development that have proven true through brain research and technological advances not available during her lifetime.
Here are the top 5 reasons to enroll your child at The Montessori School of the Tetons:
1. Authentic Montessori Program
Our classroom is filled with all Montessori Materials available for preschool aged children. Certified Guides lead the classroom and prepare the environment and new materials for children every day. Our multi-age grouping of children fosters peer learning, and we provide two uninterrupted blocks of time each day for children to choose independent and small group activities to work on.
2. Montessori Fosters Independence
Children are encouraged to do things for themselves within our carefully prepared environment. Materials are designed to be self-correcting so that children do not need an adult to point out mistakes. Students are urged to ask for help when it is needed without an adult jumping in to help unnecessarily. Children discover how intelligent they are and that they have capabilities to do things for themselves, which leads to self-confidence and a feeling of empowerment and accomplishment.
3. Learning is Child-Centered and Fosters Creativity and Self-Discipline
Our Montessori classroom is designed to meet the specific needs and abilities of our students. Everything is available for the children, and they are allowed to work on activities of their own choice for as long as they wish. The children in the classroom grow into a community, which allows for students to help define rules and enforce them with minimal help from the adults. Because children are allowed to choose activities based on individual interests, creativity is developed and children work to find joy within the activity, rather than for the end result. With exposure to a wide variety of cultures, children naturally broaden their thinking about the world.
4. Montessori Learning is Concrete and Individualized
One of the greatest benefits to be found at The Montessori School of the Tetons is the focus on hands-on learning. Concepts are taught by emphasizing concrete rather than abstract learning. When children are allowed the freedom to choose activities they find personally interesting, they develop an innate sense of well being and satisfaction through finishing their work.
5. Learning is Fun!
Montessori activities provide real experiences that are engaging and exciting to do. Learning does not come from lectures or listening, it comes from doing. History lessons come alive when children experience how families had to wash clothes with water hauled from a creek, scrubbed with soap, and dried on a line in the sun. Mathematical quantities quickly become hard to hold on to when we add sums of up to 10,000. Language comes alive when we play games that emphasize the beginning or ending sounds of words and incorporate movement activities to learn parts of speech.
“We never say thanks enough for all you do for our son. You will always hold a special place in our memories of Jackson and our son’s early childhood. I couldn’t have enjoyed my teaching job if you hadn’t been there for all of us.”
Diane Boatwright